11 research outputs found

    Pahastumista vai politiikkaa : Sosiaalisen median kohut affektiivisessa keskustelukulttuurissa

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    Mediakohut ja -skandaalit ovat nousseet merkittĂ€vĂ€ksi osaksi julkista keskustelukulttuuriamme. TĂ€ssĂ€ artikkelissa tutkimme sosiaalisen median kohuja hybridin mediatilan sekĂ€ affektiivisen julkisuuden kĂ€sitteiden kautta. Kysymme, minkĂ€laisissa keskustelijoiden ja tunteiden kokoonpanoissa kohut syntyvĂ€t ja kehittyvĂ€t? MinkĂ€laista on provokaation rakentama julkisuus verkkokeskusteluissa? Aineisto koostuu julkisista suomenkielisestĂ€ sosiaalisen median viesteistĂ€, joissa on kĂ€ytetty hashtagina eli aihetunnisteena yhdyssanaa, joka pÀÀttyy sanaan ’kohu’ tai ’gate’ vuosilta 2015–2017. Rajaus tuotti 71 665 viestiĂ€, joista valtaosa TwitteristĂ€. Verkostoanalyysin avulla rakensimme yleiskuvan kohujen teemoista ja keskustelijoista, minkĂ€ jĂ€lkeen eniten keskustelua herĂ€ttĂ€neet kohut kustakin verkoston klusterista poimittiin laadulliseen analyysiin. Tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ sosiaalinen media jakautuu erityyppisten kohujen muodostamiin aiheyhteisöihin. Suurin klusteri muodostuu politiikan ja journalismin kohujen ympĂ€rille. LisĂ€ksi muun muassa urheilu- ja tasa-arvoteemat erottuvat omina aiheyhteisöinÀÀn. Perinteisten, rikkomukseen perustuvien kohujen lisĂ€ksi tunnistettiin keskustelijoiden vĂ€liseen arvoristiriitaan perustuvia kohuja. Huumori, sarkasmi ja metapuhe ovat keskeisiĂ€ tapoja somekohun viestinnĂ€llisessĂ€ performanssissa.Peer reviewe

    A Call for Authenticity : Audience Responses to Social Media Influencer Endorsements in Strategic Communication

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    Utilizing social media celebrities as a communication channel has become a strategic practice for many organizations. By using the concepts of celebrity endorsement and authenticity, the effect of celebrity and content characteristics on followers’ attitudes towards the content and, in the case of sponsored content, purchase intentions are scrutinized. Instagram followers (N = 592) of 45 celebrities responded to a survey on nine photos of the celebrities. The results show that both the perceived authenticity and attractiveness of the celebrity are positively related with photo attitudes, but only authenticity has an effect on purchase intentions. Photos of social media influencers, people who have become famous through social media, increase purchase intentions more than photos of general celebrities. Congruence between the photo and the celebrity has the strongest positive effect on photo attitudes and purchase intentions. Sponsored photos are less favorably perceived than non-sponsored photos, but, among sponsored photos, sponsor disclosure has no effect on purchase intentions. The perceived authenticity of both the celebrity and her content is said to explain favorable audience perceptions. The findings imply that organizations should seek authentic matches between their message and the endorsing celebrity and that the content should align with the usual style of the celebrity.Peer reviewe

    Anatomy of Viral Social Media Events

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    Discussion topics go sometimes viral in social media without a seemingly coherent pattern. Existing literature shows these discussions can reach a very high level, but, notably, they prevail to varying degrees. This paper investigates the anatomy of viral social media events using a dataset of 960 viral social media discussion topics that have been identified by an algorithm from a variety of social media sources over two years’ time. A negative binomial regression shows that the average daily amount and the relative change in the daily amount of social media platforms at which the event has been discussed has a positive effect on the duration of the event. Average or relative amount of posts or authors has no or very little effect on event duration. The results suggest that viral social media events last longer when people using different social media platforms get exposed to them. This finding contributes to the literature on social media events, virality, and information diffusion.Peer reviewe

    Employing Mixed Reality Applications : Customer Experience Perspective

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    The study analyses twelve empirical cases employing different Mixed Reality (MR) applications: 1) 360-videos, 2) augmented reality (AR) mobile applications, 3) augmented virtuality (AV), and 4) AV+AR. The empirical data in all cases consist of observations of users’ and potential customers’ experiences with different MR applications followed by qualitative interviews. The study assesses how various MR applications can create experience-centric services. The research focus is in service and sensory design as well as in customer experience management. The study results suggest that MR can provide new opportunities for prolonged customer experiences in terms of new encounters and cues, different sensory effects and improved social interactions among business representatives and fellow customers. Furthermore, MR experiences can generate positive word-of-mouth especially in cases with dramatic structures. Finally, the results suggest that the customers' willingness-to-interact with service personnel increase after a MR experience.The study analyses twelve empirical cases employing different Mixed Reality (MR) applications: 1) 360-videos, 2) augmented reality (AR) mobile applications, 3) augmented virtuality (AV), and 4) AV+AR. The empirical data in all cases consist of observations of users’ and potential customers’ experiences with different MR applications followed by qualitative interviews. The study assesses how various MR applications can create experience-centric services. The research focus is in service and sensory design as well as in customer experience management. The study results suggest that MR can provide new opportunities for prolonged customer experiences in terms of new encounters and cues, different sensory effects and improved social interactions among business representatives and fellow customers. Furthermore, MR experiences can generate positive word-of-mouth especially in cases with dramatic structures. Finally, the results suggest that the customers' willingness-to-interact with service personnel increase after a MR experience.Peer reviewe

    Sosiaalisen median ennustekyky kaupan myynnissÀ : esimerkkinÀ veganismi ja vegaaniset ruuat

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    Sosiaalisen median aineistoja on pyritty hyödyntÀmÀÀn ennustemalleissa esimerkiksi vaalitulosten, työttömyysasteen, osakekurssien tai kuluttajatuotteiden kysynnÀn ennakoinnissa. Laajempia kulutusilmiöitÀ on kuitenkin harvemmin pyritty ennustamaan sosiaalisen median avulla. TÀmÀ tutkimus keskittyy veganismiin, viime vuosina pinnalla olleeseen kulutusilmiöön, vertaamalla sitÀ koskevien sosiaalisen median viestien mÀÀrÀÀ vegaanisten kasvimaitotuotteiden myyntiin. Analysoimalla viikoittaista myyntimÀÀrÀÀ ja sosiaalisen median hakusanaryppÀiden osumien mÀÀrÀÀ vuodesta 2012 vuoteen 2016 autoregressivisen vektorivirheenkorjausmallin (VECM) avulla tÀmÀ tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ kasvimaitotuotteiden myynnillÀ sekÀ sosiaalisen median viesteillÀ on olemassa pitkÀn aikavÀlin riippuvuussuhde. YleistÀ ilmiötÀ, veganismia, koskevat viestit selittivÀt kasvimaitotuotteiden myyntiÀ, mutta kyseisiÀ tuotteita koskevat viestit eivÀt. Myynnin ennustamisessa toimii kuitenkin parhaiten pelkkÀÀn myyntiaineistoon pohjautuva SARIMAX-ennuste.Peer reviewe